Friday, January 19, 2018

The Unlikely Superhero: Dr. Jane Goodall

One of my heroes, Jane Goodall, changed the world when she was the first human to study chimpanzees in Tanzania. She was a young woman who had no college degree or field experience. However, she learned from doing and made many discoveries about chimpanzees; primarily that they use tools just like we do.

I attended a talk by Dr. Goodall at UT Arlington a couple of years ago where she talked about her life; from a child in England to her current work of running the Jane Goodall Institute. I was in awe of her and her legacy. 

She is one of my heroes because is a trailblazer, a woman who broke barriers, and still works to this day (at age 83) to teach children about the environment and is a global conservation leader. She continue to work for conservation of chimp habitat in Tanzania and for habitat conservation all over the world. 

Several months ago, I was excited to discover that a new documentary was coming to theaters. This documentary is simply called JANE. I screened it in late December with a few friends. It's a wonderful look into Dr. Goodall's time in Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania and her impact on the world and the study of primates. Check out the trailer for JANE below:

Dr. Goodall is a legacy and will be remembered well after her death. I continue to learn from her work and be in awe of her education and conservation efforts.